Rediscovering the POWER




Immaterial Art: Rediscovering the Power of Claying Together

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the digital realm, but let's not forget the importance of tangible experiences.

One amazing way to reconnect with each other and our cultural heritage is through the act of forming clay.

I love to bring just a small bag of clay to your place, some incenses and sit in a circle to form something meaningful that only our heart and hands can guide us to.

I know art has the power to heal, inspire, and reconnect us with our roots. The act of making art together is a collective experience like no other. It allows us to transcend boundaries, barriers of any kind, and societal differences.

When we come together to create, we tap into a wellspring of creativity that exists within each and every one of us.

Sitting in a circle sharing stories, laughter, and the joy of creating something beautiful can feel very calming and empowering. Only focusing on the process, letting go and trusting the flow can bring back inspiration that might have gone missing.

Photo: Marthe Lola Deutschmann

Photo: Marthe Lola Deutschmann

Photo: Marthe Lola Deutschmann

Photo: Maria Ritsch

Photo: Maria Ritsch

I often miss traditions within my culture that are not related to any kind of religion tbh. That is why I fell for rituals and embracing the limitless possibilities of the present.

Reviving lost rituals or stories and breathe new life into our cultural heritage through the power of art seems like my mission.

Photo: Marthe Lola Deutschmann